Jobs als Promoter
Es wurden 260 Promoter Jobs gefunden.
Du bist kommunikativ, gehst gerne auf Menschen zu und hast die Nase voll von langweiliger Büroarbeit? Mit einem Promoter Job kannst du deine Stärken mit Geld verdienen kombinieren. Als Promoter, Hostess oder auch Fundraiser gleicht nämlich kein Tag dem anderen und du hast einen abwechslungsreichen Arbeitstag mit vielen verschiedenen Menschen. Wähle zwischen einer Vielzahl an unterschiedlichen wohltätigen Organisationen, setze dich für coole Projekte ein und verdiene dein Geld mit deinem Engagement. Unterstütze soziale Projekte mit deinem Kommunikationsgeschick und bewirb dich noch heute auf unsere Promoter Jobs in deiner Nähe.
Promoter Aufgaben
Du fragst dich schon lange, welche Aufgaben dich als Promoter erwarten, denn eventuell überlegst du, den Job selbst auszuüben? Von uns erfährst du, was dich erwarten wird, sodass du bestens vorbereitet bist. Als Promoter kannst du in den unterschiedlichsten Umgebungen arbeiten. Zum Beispiel auf Messen oder auch in der Fußgängerzone deiner Stadt. Bei einem Promoter Job geht es vor allem darum, neue Supporter für ein bestimmtes Projekt zu finden, Flyer zu verteilen, zu informieren und eventuell auch Spenden für dieses Projekt zu sammeln. So geht es bei einem Promotion Job oft auch um Fundraising. Du kannst beispielsweise für eine NGO, einen Tierschutzverein oder auch für einen Club als Promoter arbeiten. Hier arbeitest du im Team oder auch alleine. Grundsätzlich lässt sich sagen, dass du als Promoter eine Art Markenbotschafter bist und so sorgst du mit deinen Aufgaben dafür, das Projekt mit einem guten Image zu versehen.
Promoter Verdienst
Wie fällt aber der Verdienst bei einem Promoter Job aus? Dies ist natürlich ganz abhängig davon, bei welchem Projekt und Unternehmen du mitwirkst. Durchschnittlich kann man aber sagen, dass sich dein Verdienst auf ca. 11 bis 15 Euro pro Stunde beläuft. Auch abhängig davon ist der Verdienst von Standort und Unternehmensgröße. Wenn du dich aber richtig reinhängst, kannst du als Fundraiser oder Promoter ordentlich was verdienen. Vor allem, wenn du beispielsweise in einer kurzfristigen Beschäftigung und somit für kurze Zeit in Vollzeit arbeitest, fällt dein Verdienst als Promoter gut aus!
Working Student Software & Web Development (f/m/d) in Essen
E.ON Energy Markets GmbH E.ON Energy Markets GmbH is a subsidiary of the E.ON Group based in Essen. Our main task is to coordinate access to the tr...
Management Assistant for Procurement & Supply Chain (f/m/d) in Wetteraukreis
"Caring for People's Health as a Trusted Partner" - This mission motivates us at STADA every day to improve the health of people worldwide. With ou...
IT-Engineer - Data Governance & Data Steward (m/f/d) in München
WELCOME TO BASF We are BASF in agriculture and everything we do, we do for the love of farming. Connecting seeds and traits, crop protection produc...
Computer Scientist - Data Governance & Data Steward (m/f/d) in Stuttgart
WELCOME TO BASF We are BASF in agriculture and everything we do, we do for the love of farming. Connecting seeds and traits, crop protection produc...
IT-Engineer - Data Governance & Data Steward (m/f/d) in Leipzig
WELCOME TO BASF We are BASF in agriculture and everything we do, we do for the love of farming. Connecting seeds and traits, crop protection produc...
IT-Engineer - Data Governance & Data Steward (m/f/d) in Leipzig
WELCOME TO BASF We are BASF in agriculture and everything we do, we do for the love of farming. Connecting seeds and traits, crop protection produc...
IT-Engineer - Data Governance & Data Steward (m/f/d) in Stuttgart
WELCOME TO BASF We are BASF in agriculture and everything we do, we do for the love of farming. Connecting seeds and traits, crop protection produc...
IT Engineer as Data Steward - Global Data Management (m/f/d) in Berlin
WELCOME TO BASF We are BASF in agriculture and everything we do, we do for the love of farming. Connecting seeds and traits, crop protection produc...
IT Engineer as Data Steward - Global Data Management (m/f/d) in Berlin
WELCOME TO BASF We are BASF in agriculture and everything we do, we do for the love of farming. Connecting seeds and traits, crop protection produc...
Studentische Hilfskraft - Portfolio Management Generics & Specialty Generics (f/m/d) in Wetteraukreis
"Caring for People's Health as a Trusted Partner" - This mission motivates us at STADA every day to improve the health of people worldwide. With ou...
Working Student Global Portfolio Management Generics & Specialty (f/m/d) in Wetteraukreis
"Caring for People's Health as a Trusted Partner" - This mission motivates us at STADA every day to improve the health of people worldwide. With ou...
IT-Engineer - Data Governance & Data Steward (m/f/d) in Leipzig
WELCOME TO BASF We are BASF in agriculture and everything we do, we do for the love of farming. Connecting seeds and traits, crop protection produc...
Personal Assistant to SVP Global Procurement (f/m/d) in Wetteraukreis
"Caring for People's Health as a Trusted Partner" - This mission motivates us at STADA every day to improve the health of people worldwide. With ou...
Working Student Project Management Portfolio Management / Product Development (f/m/d) in Wetteraukreis
"Caring for People's Health as a Trusted Partner" - This mission motivates us at STADA every day to improve the health of people worldwide. With ou...
Business Administrator as Global Data Steward (m/f/d) in Stuttgart
WELCOME TO BASF We are BASF in agriculture and everything we do, we do for the love of farming. Connecting seeds and traits, crop protection produc...
Global Data Steward – Commercial Excellence (m/f/d) in München
WELCOME TO BASF We are BASF in agriculture and everything we do, we do for the love of farming. Connecting seeds and traits, crop protection produc...
IT Specialist - Data Governance & Commercial Excellence (m/f/d) in Leipzig
WELCOME TO BASF We are BASF in agriculture and everything we do, we do for the love of farming. Connecting seeds and traits, crop protection produc...
Global Data Steward – Commercial Excellence (m/f/d) in Leipzig
WELCOME TO BASF We are BASF in agriculture and everything we do, we do for the love of farming. Connecting seeds and traits, crop protection produc...
Business Administrator as Global Data Steward (m/f/d) in Leipzig
WELCOME TO BASF We are BASF in agriculture and everything we do, we do for the love of farming. Connecting seeds and traits, crop protection produc...
Business Administrator as Global Data Steward (m/f/d) in Berlin
WELCOME TO BASF We are BASF in agriculture and everything we do, we do for the love of farming. Connecting seeds and traits, crop protection produc...
Working Student Life Sciences Global Portfolio Management Generics & Specialty (f/m/d) in Wetteraukreis
"Caring for People's Health as a Trusted Partner" - This mission motivates us at STADA every day to improve the health of people worldwide. With ou...
Student Economics as Working Student Portfolio Management Generics & Specialty Generics (f/m/d) in Wetteraukreis
"Caring for People's Health as a Trusted Partner" - This mission motivates us at STADA every day to improve the health of people worldwide. With ou...
Student Business Management as Working Student Portfolio Management (f/m/d) in Wetteraukreis
"Caring for People's Health as a Trusted Partner" - This mission motivates us at STADA every day to improve the health of people worldwide. With ou...
IT Specialist - Data Governance & Commercial Excellence (m/f/d) in München
WELCOME TO BASF We are BASF in agriculture and everything we do, we do for the love of farming. Connecting seeds and traits, crop protection produc...
IT-Engineer - Data Governance & Data Steward (m/f/d) in Berlin
WELCOME TO BASF We are BASF in agriculture and everything we do, we do for the love of farming. Connecting seeds and traits, crop protection produc...
IT Engineer as Data Steward - Global Data Management (m/f/d) in Leipzig
WELCOME TO BASF We are BASF in agriculture and everything we do, we do for the love of farming. Connecting seeds and traits, crop protection produc...
Global Head of Government Affairs & Public Policy (f/m/d) in Frankfurt am Main
"Caring for People's Health as a Trusted Partner" - This mission motivates us at STADA every day to improve the health of people worldwide. With ou...
Information Technologist - Global Process Optimization (m/f/d) in Münster
WELCOME TO BASF In the Coatings Division, we are focused on the development, production and marketing of a variety of coating solutions - from appl...
Specialist Global Process Optimization (m/f/d) in Münster
WELCOME TO BASF In the Coatings Division, we are focused on the development, production and marketing of a variety of coating solutions - from appl...
Specialist Global Process Optimization (m/f/d) in Münster
WELCOME TO BASF In the Coatings Division, we are focused on the development, production and marketing of a variety of coating solutions - from appl...