Tenure-track positions at Lise Meitner Research Group in München


«Free science is as natural as free breathing.» Lise Meitner Furthermore, the MPG is committed to increasing the number of individuals with disabilities in its workforce and therefore encourages applications from such qualified individuals. Lise Meitner Research Group Tenure-track positions at Max Planck Institutes The Max Planck Society invites outstanding applicants to apply for tenure-track Lise Meitner Research Group Leader positions. The Max Planck Society is looking for excellent women scientists and scholars who are at an early stage in their academic careers and have a proven track record in outstanding independent research and group leadership, pursue independent and highly innovative research approaches and can outline a groundbreaking future research program. The successful candidates will be offered a Lise Meitner Research Group at a suitable Max Planck Institute for an initial period of six years plus one additional year for parental leave. The highly competitive funding package includes a W2 tenure-track position (equivalent to Assistant/Associate Professor), resources for scientific staff and running costs as well as a start-up package. Upon successful tenure evaluation, latest five years after the start of the group, the W2 position and financial support for the research group will be provided permanently. For particularly outstanding group leaders, however, this evaluation can also be carried out at any time beforehand. The purpose of the Lise Meitner Excellence Program is to increase the number of excellent women scientists in the Max Planck Society. Therefore, the program primarily focuses on the recruitment of outstanding women scientists, though it is open to all applicants (for details, see Lise Meitner Excellence Program: FAQs). Your application should include: a cover letter, a CV, a list of publications, a one-page summary of scientific achievements (written for a non-specialist), a research statement of max. Three or five pages (written for a specialist), access to and/or copies of your three most important publications, combined in one PDF file. You are also required to invite two reviewers to upload recommendation letters for you to the application portal. Only necessary for applicants in the field of the Chemistry, Physics and Technology Section: Please provide a host letter from at least one Max Planck Institute in the relevant research areas. For more details about the program (including further application instructions) and to submit your application online, please visit: https://www.mpg.de/lise-meitner-excellence-program The deadline for applications is April 08, 2025. If you are invited to present at a Symposium the dates are as follows: Biology and Medicine Section: 21. To 23. July 2025, Munich Human Sciences Section: 16./17. September 2025, Munich Chemistry, Physics and Technology Section: 29./30. September 2025, Munich For more information about the Max Planck Society and its institutes, please see www.mpg.de/en

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